Tracker cztorrent cz s.r.oĢ001 - When YRT took over operations from Markham Transit in 2001, it numbered these routes in the 3xx series, and expanded service. The poetic books give us a more intimate look at God's relationship with Israel and His passion for Israel to worship and obey Him.

The historical books record Israel's history, its victories and successes along with its defeats and failures. The Pentateuch deals with the creation of Israel and God establishing a covenant relationship with Israel. The Old Testament deals primarily with the relationship between God and the nation of Israel. The Old Testament was written primarily in Hebrew, with a few small sections written in Aramaic (essentially a variation of Hebrew). The Old Testament was written from approximately 1400 B. The Old Testament is divided into five sections: the Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy), the historical books (Joshua through Esther), the poetic books (Job through Song of Solomon), the Major Prophets (Isaiah through Daniel), and the Minor Prophets (Hosea through Malachi). Home > Content Index > Bible Survey > Old Testament Survey